Friday, August 6, 2010

Happy Healthy Friday Louisiana!

So for my folks here in "Da Boot", aka Louisiana what are you going to do today to improve your health?
Just one thing...
Many folks ask me, "Was it hard giving up meat?".  Well,  I took baby steps.  I gave up beef and pork first, then removed dairy, chicken products, turkey, and fish later. Remember, it just takes time and commitment.  The culture here is so rich with food and festivals so some people think it's too hard to change.  I still enjoy going out without having a large seafood platter or a fried turkey leg.  Definitely want to be around to enjoy the fun things about living in the South and not complain about my "sugar" or many other ailments that I hear folks lament about here.  Check this article (Louisiana Obesity) and lets begin to think about what we put into our bodies.  Start small with maybe drinking more water or getting a side salad with your burger and pass some of those new habits on to the young people around you.  Just start with small changes that eventually become a part of your routine and begin to change how you look an most importantly how you feel.

Have a great weekend!

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