Tuesday, May 3, 2011

8 Essential Vegan Cookie Baking Tips - Made Just Right


Back in 2008 I went to a cooking intensive at the School of Natural Cookery in Boulder Colorado.  There I learned to cook from the heart, smell my spices, salt without a measuring spoon.  Well, a portion of that intensive included vegan baking.  Now I must admit, I love to bake.  It’s all part of my cooking therapy.  The other night I whipped up a cake with the last little bit of my chocolate because I just wanted to create something tasty. 

When I first came home though and began to put my new found cooking skills to use, I found that my baking skills still lagged behind.  But if at first you don’t succeed try and try and try.  Even if it takes 7 years,  yes 7.  You see, even before I took a class, I read about and tried  my hand at vegan baking.  After many years of broken, crumbly, dry, and tasteless cakes, brownies, and cookies, I’ve gotten the hang of it.  And you know, the funny thing is that I followed my intuition on what would work and what wouldn’t.  I did watch a few videos on regular baking techniques and ask a vegan baker or two what their suggestion was.   But, for the most part, I centered myself on what I wanted to bake and choose my ingredients accordingly.  The basics I learned in the cooking class along with my own intuitive knowing helped me to create some great treats.  Well enough rambling, I actually came here to post the following from Earth Balance on vegan cookie baking.  It provides some great tips and insight for those looking to switch to a more healthy alternative.

P.S.  You can check out the cookbook Intuitive Cooking which was used at my intensive in Colorado to your right.

P.P.S.  All my recipes aren’t perfected, I still want to go to a vegan baking intensive.  You can never know too much about baking!

Read More > 8 Essential Vegan Cookie Baking Tips - Made Just Right

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